Saturday, September 13, 2014


Thank you all for making me feel so special! My birthday got off to a great start yesterday with all the beautiful cards, flowers, snacks, and gifts from my sweet thoughtful students! I appreciate each and every hug and wish. And we all get next week off to continue the celebration :) Enjoy Fall Break and some family fun!

When we return:
In Math, we will begin multiplication, so please have your kids brush up on multiplication facts 0-9. Try those great websites on the Math Practice page.

We will begin our Social Studies unit about America's first peoples as we concentrate on six Native American tribes: Inuit, Kwakiutl, Nez Perce, Hopi, Pawnee, and Seminole. We will learn about their cultures and the ways they lived in their various environments.

Weather will continue to be our focus of study in Science.

Please remind your girls and boys about Addison's Reading Challenge for Fall Break. Readers become Leaders!

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